





加州问责模式 & 学校仪表板

的 加州学校仪表盘 (Dashboard) is an online tool that shows how local educational agencies and schools are performing on state and local indicators that are included in California's school accountability system. Built on the foundations of the 本地管制拨款 Formula state law, the Dashboard is one of several significant shifts that have occurred in California’s K–12 education system within the past decade, which includes the establishment of a new testing system, 提高学生的学习水平, 促进所有学生的平等.

This 4-minute video provides an overview of California's multiple measures accountability system. It describes the measures in the Dashboard report and how statewide data are used to determine the performance colors.



的 加州学校仪表盘 is a powerful online tool to help districts and schools identify strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint student groups that may be struggling. It reports performance and progress on the 以下指标:


Performance for state indicators is calculated based on the combination of current performance (Status) and improvement over time (Change), resulting in five color-coded performance levels for each indicator. From highest to lowest the performance levels are: Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

的 five color-coded performance levels are calculated using percentiles to create a five-by-five colored table (giving 25 results) that combine Status and Change.

This section provides the five-by-five colored table for each of the state indicators:


的 State 教育委员会 (SBE) approved standards for the local indicators that support local educational agencies (LEAs) in measuring and reporting their progress within the appropriate priority area. For each local indicator, the approved standard includes:

  1. Measuring LEA progress on the local indicator based on locally available information, and
  2. Reporting the results to the LEA's local governing board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the local governing board and to stakeholders and the public through the Dashboard.

For each applicable local indicator, LEAs assign one of three performance levels:

  • 见过
  • 不满足
  • 两年或两年以上未见

LEAs make the determination for each applicable local indicator by using self-reflection tools to measure and report their progress through the Dashboard. 的 collection and reflection on locally available information relevant to progress on local priority areas will support LEAs in local planning and improvement efforts.

California Model Five-by-Five Grid Placement Reports

California's new accountability and continuous improvement system is based on a five-by-five colored table that produces 25 results using five colors. 的y graphically display which schools or student groups are: a) performing well, 或者b)需要额外的支持. 的se provide an 'at a glance' display on how a district or school is performing on the following state indicators:



College/Career Indicator Reports and Data  

的 College/Career Indicator uses multiple measures to provide a performance level based on the number of students who are likely prepared for success after high school. This report displays the number of students that met each of the CCI measures in the Prepared and Approaching Prepared Levels. 

P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . 你好,我想要卓越 & 等于一个向量. 不是3.


State law requires all public schools to create a 学校问责报告卡. 的 purpose of the report card is to provide parents and the community with important information about your child's school, 其中包括:

  • 学校简介及使命
  • School Programs and Instructional Materials
  • 家长参与的机会
  • 测试结果
  • 安全计划
  • 设施

We invite you to view the 学校问责报告卡 for your child's school by visiting the following link:

长滩 Unified school district SARC  Page

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